Forging Competition 2025
PROJECT: Blacksmithing Hammer
The 2025 Forging Competition challenges university students to creatively design and forge a functioning blacksmithing hammer of their choice.
This year, teams have the opportunity to choose the type of blacksmithing hammer they would like to forge. Hammers cannot exceed 3.5lbs. and are to be made of 1045 carbon steel. Each hammer will be put through a series of tests appropriate to the application. All submissions should include your hammer, a project video and technical report documenting the design and manufacturing process.
Teams will perform all aspects of creating a blacksmithing hammer via the forging manufacturing process from design conception to performance. All four (4) components of the project should be submitted. All teams must:
Provide a preliminary plan (one page)
- Rough outline of steps
- Tentative timeframe
- Questions/issues they need to address
- Preliminary decisions they’ve made (hammer type, forging process, etc.)
Make their version of a blacksmithing hammer of choice.
Your hammer should weigh no more than 3.5lbs
Your hammer should be made of 1045 carbon steel
Document their project with a professional Technical Report of less than 30 pages supporting their decisions.
Produce a project video, not to exceed 5 minutes, that documents their project.
All project components submitted for the competition become property of FIERF.
Teams must have:
Student teams who will design, build, and test their hammer. At least one member must be a current college student. Teams are limited to 8 members.
A university faculty sponsor to help the team.
An industrial partner familiar with forging. If a partner is not identified by the team, FIERF will look for an industry partner.
Each entry will be eligible for 4 awards and a Grand Prize:
- Best process
- Best project video documenting the project
- Best performance based on testing and expert evaluation
- People’s choice – voted on by Forge Fair attendees
Grand Prize based on the overall rankings from each category.
Monday, September 9, 2024 Contest Announcement for FIERF’s 2025 Forging Competition
Friday, December 6, 2024 Proposed teams, and preliminary plan due
Friday, April 11, 2025 Project video, technical report, and hammer due
Thursday, May 15, 2025* Performance testing and awards at Forge Fair in Cleveland, OH
Thursday, May 15, 2025* Performance testing and awards at Forge Fair in Cleveland, OH
*For the testing on Thursday, May 15, teams, and mentors are highly encouraged to attend and compete with their hammer.
All electronic submissions should be sent to Amanda Dureiko at [email protected].
Mail your hammer to:
Forging Industry Association
Attn: Amanda Dureiko
6363 Oak Tree Blvd
Independence, OH 44131
Your technical report must not exceed 30 pages. (This will include your cover page and resources pages so clear and concise writing is necessary)
- Cover Page:
- Must use the outline of this cover page.
- Address the following:
- State the reason for the competition: “FIERF has created this competition to encourage students to learn about making metal products using the forging process and applying the latest technology available”. This should be in the introduction of your Technical Report.
- *The reason you chose this type of blacksmithing hammer and its function.
- *Your design process and the steps you took to get to your final product.
- *Your final results should show that it meets contest requirements (state the final length, weight, and type of blacksmithing hammer).
*Present each in the one-page executive summary as part of your technical report.
- Other suggested topics that can be addressed in your technical report:
What metallurgical decisions were made with respect to your hammer?
What type of forging process was selected, what led you to that decision, and the forging process steps you used while creating your hammer?
What kind of inspection and testing your hammer was subjected to before submission?
Are you ready to compete? CLICK HERE to register your team for the 2025 Forging Competition.
Thank You Sponsors: